Friday, April 19, 2013

Spreading it Around My Peeps! Kind of.

Hi... So... A day of two ago... I was talking to my BFF on Facebook. Since she was a really good friend of mine, i wanted her opinion. I gave her the link and then five minutes later, she tell me it was cool. Boring, but cool. To me, that was like a girl getting the WHOLE Barbie set. I was the 'reader' and the 'smart one' in the group.

Then in lunch hour, I told one of my former Reading teacher (We switch every half a semester... Or every 6 weeks) about it and he was like, "Cool. I'll check it out." He was one of those cool teachers. Anyway, he encouraged me to keep on writing and he once told me that if I got together with two other kids, we could write those multiple-stories-in-one-book book. Yeah... He was also the same teacher who gave me that A on one of my writing prompts. I get out of topic so many times... ANYWAY! Just a few minutes ago, I just sent him a email of all all the links to all my blogs... I just hope he likes it. I always think people will hate my writing. You know, he could be reading this right now. Well... This is awkward...

Anyway (I use this word a lot), If your'e not very bright and you still don't know what I'm talking about, then the things I had told them was about my blog. Remember? I haven't told anybody that I know of about my blog? What do you think it was?


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