Hi! This blog thing is mostly what's happening in my life. You know. Get some knowledge of who I am. So this one, is just an intro of what's going to happen while you're reading this.
As you read this, you will find out what I've been doing in school, my daily dramas, the gossip on people and all those things happening in an average girl. Get it now?
The posting would be at least be everyday. I might miss once in a while. And I would be posting in at night since I can't tell you what's happening during the day... Unless it's a dream. Or I would be giving you a heads up on how I might miss posting or what I might be doing on that date. So... yeah. The first (kind of) post would me up in a few hours. On that one, I would be telling you why I'm posting during school hours. It was a funny story... And NO, I did not get suspended. I'm not that bad.
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